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Importance of Self-Loading Exercises

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Self-Loading Exercises – Training without equipment has never been more fashionable than it is right now, seeing the high prices of sports equipment and the impossibility of going to a training center or gym that we have had during the pandemic. For this reason, at Men’s Health, we want you to be able to exercise at home to stay fit and fight confinement most effectively.

Well-sculpted arms and a firm torso in our society often interprets as a sign of strength and fitness. So, undeniably, showing off well-sculpted arms makes an impression, although, as in everything, not everyone likes it. Still, because of that belief, the biceps curl is one of the most popular exercises in gyms, both with dumbbells and barbells; being habitual, see all the initiates work this exercise disproportionately.

The Importance Of Self-Loading Exercises

Self-loading exercises are those where we use the weight of our body. That is, our body represents the load or weight to overcome. Therefore no external element is necessary, being able to exercise intensely.

These exercises require a proper technique to reduce the risk of injury and not damage your joints.

The truth is that overcoming your weight is not easy at all. For example, in the case of pull-ups, we only use our hands to support the weight of our body and fight against gravity.

Push-Ups Or Push-Ups With Self-Loading

An excellent exercise to work intensely using only your body weight is push-ups or push-ups, a practice that is often underestimated but has a lot to offer.

It works your chest, shoulder, arm, and other core muscles, including your abs. In short, one of those basic exercises that are wonderful, and best of all, you can use this exercise in both strength and resistance training because they help you develop your physique in general.

Remember that within push-ups, you have many variants to progress and add variety and intensity.

Self-Loading Triceps Presses

Another great exercise to work your arms is the well-known triceps dips (dips). Again, the trunk must remain in a vertical position, keeping the elbows as close as possible to the body, giving extra prominence to the triceps, without forgetting that other muscles are also involved.

The range of motion can be subject to several factors, including the stability of the glenohumeral joint and your strength.

Self-Loading Triceps Presses

It is an exercise you must perform with caution since you can compromise said joint at large ranges of movement.

Self-Loading Pull-Ups

When it comes to self-loading exercises, you most likely think of the dreaded pull-ups. The grip for this exercise can be supinated (palms of the hands facing you), pronated (palms of the hands facing forward), mixed or simple (held only with one hand). You may think that you are only exercising your arms with these movements.

Self-Loading Inverted Rowing

An alternative to pull-ups would be the inverted row. In the absence of material, at home, we will always have a table (making sure it is not too wide). To do this, we lie on our backs under the table and hold the table at both ends.

The idea is to flex the elbows, pulling the body up in a linear path until the chest touches the table. Rocking and twisting movements should be avoided as much as possible while keeping the shoulder joint (glenohumeral joint) stationary. After going up, we return to the initial suspension position descending slowly and controlled.

This exercise could be considered an error or poor execution by letting yourself fall suddenly instead of controlling the movement when descending. Another relative error would be to arch the lower back by not activating the core muscles.


The body weight workouts are the best. It provides stability and compatibility to the human body. The bigger arms provide a separate attraction to oneself. These workouts help in maintaining good physical health.