Pro Health Web

Treatment of Psychosomatic Pain

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Treatment of Psychosomatic Pain – When we are in physical pain, something hurts, pinches, or pulls; we usually look for the reasons first and foremost in our body. But they are there, burdening you with sleep, nerves, or simply the lightness in life. However, many do not know that the cause of the pain can also lie in our psyche. This article will find precisely what such psychosomatic pain is and what you can do about it.

Recognize Psychosomatic Pain

So how can psychosomatic pain be identified and differentiated from pain with a clear physical cause? Not at first, because they don’t feel any different.

The difference is that no physical illness or injury occurs to explain the pain. To be sure of this, it is, therefore, advisable to have yourself thoroughly checked by a doctor. Sometimes it can be disappointing or a feeling of not being taken seriously when there is simply no physical explanation for the symptoms.

Remember: Psychosomatic pain is no less real, imaginary, or simulated. They have another reason.

In addition to the physical examinations, your situation, stress, and psychological problems need shifting. Unfortunately, discussing these topics in a medical consultation is not always easy and is often simply unfamiliar. However, if your doctor knows about possible psychological problems, they can support you better and find the best treatment for you.

Treatment Options

Pain is stressful, so the desire to eliminate psychosomatic pain is understandable. But unfortunately, a purely physical treatment, medication, or rest does not help.

The key here is to look away from the body and towards the psyche.

You don’t have to do this alone. With the help of psychologists or psychotherapists, you can track down the things that may be behind your pain. For example, you can overcome fears, find a new way of dealing with unpleasant feelings, reduce stress, or activate your resources. You can find out how psychotherapy works and how you can find a place in therapy on our blog.

What Can I Do Myself?

Of course, you can also try out a few tricks for dealing with psychosomatic pain on your own first and see whether they already help you.

However, we are often at a damage when it comes to what would be good for us psychologically. So ask yourself: What activity do you enjoy? What makes you feel good? Maybe it’s a phone call with your girlfriend, a long walk, or a delicious meal you order. Then create your feel-good list. What’s your rusk and chamomile tea for the soul?

Reduce And Prevent Stress

Stress is often a crucial factor when it comes to psychosomatic pain. Therefore, reducing or even preventing it usually positively affects the pain. To reduce stress, you can, for example, improve your time management, take regular breaks or learn a relaxation technique.

If you would like to learn more about how to reduce your stress level effectively. Within 12 weeks, you will get many valuable strategies to deal with stress and thus strengthen your mental and physical well-being. A personal psychologist will accompany you.


When it comes to our bodies, we often have excellent experiences, maybe even family traditions that help us: rusks and chamomile tea for gastrointestinal complaints or inhalation and infrared lamps for colds.