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Phimosis – Definition Symptoms And Treatment

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Physiological Phimosis is very common in newborns. It is not a severe pathology, but it can be complicated if a series of recommendations are not followed. “Effectiveness of topical steroid treatment in physiological phimosis,” it is noted that physiological Phimosis effects up to 96% of newborns and even persists up to four years of age.

On the other hand, this problem can also be experienced by male patients in adulthood, which cause discomfort or even pain during sexual intercourse.

What Is Phimosis?

Phimosis is an alteration that can develop from birth (primary/congenital) or even later; in the adult stage (secondary/acquired). It is adhesion between the inner layers of the foreskin and the glans on the penis, preventing the foreskin from quickly retracting.

Types Of Phimosis

Although, in general, Phimosis does not allow the foreskin of the penis to lower, it must be taken into account that there are different types. Therefore, knowing them is essential to understanding the symptoms.


This type of Phimosis occurs in pediatric patients. There is a perceived narrowing of the opening of the penis, which can affect urination. Mothers and fathers are recommended to clean the penis of their children, move the foreskin back, or go to the doctor to avoid further damage.

Cicatricial Or Acquired

As its name indicates, this pathology is acquired and develops in male adults. The skin of the foreskin hole hardens. It causes inflammation and pain due to the growth of bacteria.


This type of Phimosis does not allow the exit of the glans, so there is an impossibility of retraction of the skin.

Symptoms Of Phimosis

There is a series of symptoms that occurs when the patient has Phimosis. Despite this, we can point out that the most obvious sign of the development of this anomaly is the difficulty of retracting the foreskin.

  • Balanitis (infections)
  • pain when urinating
  • Discomfort during sexual intercourse. It is possible to feel pain.
  • It is possible to experience paraphimosis (the skin of the glans can be retracted, but it does not return to its original position).

Causes Of Phimosis

There are different causes for the development of this alteration. Next, we indicate them.


Almost all babies are born with the inability to retract the foreskin. The foreskin is attached to the glans.

Mothers and fathers must learn how to clean their little one’s penis. This task is simple and does not involve any complexity. But, if it is not done or the skin is pulled violently, it can cause a lot of pain (tears) in the little one.


Balanoposthitis is a pathology due to the proliferation of bacteria, candida, or viruses. If infections frequently develop in the genital area, scarring of the foreskin may develop.

Lack Of Grooming

Hygiene is crucial to preventing infections. Children should be instructed on the correct way to remove smegma and whitish discharge from the genitals. Some medical reports have indicated that some patients have developed this alteration because regular cleanings were not carried out.

Curing Phimosis Treatments

It can be cured without surgery, both in adults and in child patients. First, however, the specialist must analyze each situation to determine the most appropriate treatment.

Child Patients

When the patient is an infant or younger than ten years, corticosteroid creams or ointments are applied. A clinical trial in infants indicated the effectiveness of topical steroid treatment in physiologic Phimosis.

Within the treatments, the use of corticosteroids and manual stretching of the foreskin can be recommended. However, all these recommendations should be followed with the supervision or guidance of a specialist doctor. Otherwise, you run the risk of aggravating the problem.

Adult Patients

Adults may receive non-surgical treatment as the first treatment for Phimosis. However, first of all, drugs are prescribed to fight the infection that causes acquired Phimosis.

This treatment can temporarily relieve Phimosis, so some specialist doctors may prescribe circumcision surgery, which is the definitive solution to this health problem. The specialist will speak with the patient according to the symptoms to determine the best solution for their particular case.


Phimosis disease is a common pathology in childhood, but it can be severe when acquired in adulthood. To avoid serious health risks, one must go to a specialist doctor. If proper treatment is followed, patients can lead an everyday life.